Use of Contraception in Malta

This study shows that the most used contraceptive is the condom with an average of 88.1% and that Mirena/Coil is the least used contraceptive with en average of 3,6%. We can observe that less than 20% of the participants use the pill (14.9%). Moreover, we notice that less than 30% of participants use contraception during sex.
First thing first, the average of the use of contraception during sexual intercourse is similar among men and women with 29.1%. More than 70% of men and women do not use condoms during sexual intercourse and a significant difference of 41.6 points is found in both sexes.
Contraceptive use also varies by age. In this study, more than half of the participants under the age of 25 used contraception during sex (55.9%). There is a significant difference of 48.8 points with the oldest participants (66+) in this sample since less 10% of them use contraception during sexual intercourse.
With regard to civil status, contraception is used more by single participants (62.3%) than by participants in a couple (37.2%) while having sex. The lowest averages are represented by divorced or separated participants and married participants with an average of 22.2% and 16.9%.
Then, contraceptive use depends on activity status. 75% of participants who use contraception the most during sex are students or unemployed people, while the people who use contractions the least are retirees with an average of 10%.
This study also shows that it is the participants with a higher level of study who use the most contraception during sex with an average of 43.6%. Participants with a post-secondary and secondary school level have relatively close averages of 27.8% and 20.2% with 7.6 points of difference. The lowest averages of contraceptive use concern participants with a trade school (5.3%) and primary level (6.7%) level.
60% of participants who are not at all satisfied with their sex life are those who use the most contraception during sex. This is a total of 33.5 points when compared to the people who are very satisfied with their sex life with 26.5%.
Finally, the district where contraception during sex is most often used is the southern harbor with an average of 38.8%, while the district where contraception is used the least is Gozo and Comino with an average of 18.6 %. The averages of participants from Northem, South Eastern, Northem Harbour and Western scored similar results with 29.4%,28.4%, 28% and 27.4% respectively.
This research in Malta aimed to understand the use of contraception while having sex based on several socio-demographic characteristics. Many international studies have obtained participant data from different cultures and different groups (age, education level, etc...) on contraceptive use during sex.
According to data collected by Ali Tarar and al., (2017) from 160 rural married females from Pakistan, it was reported that 41,9% of these women were often used contraceptive method during their reproductive span.
An another study of married women from South-South Region of Nigeria found consistent results about contraception use. Chidinma Salami and Oladosu (2016) were collected and measured socio-demographic factors as age, education, wealth status index, state of residence and marital status. Results shows that the odds that Nigeria women used contraceptive method increased significantly by level of education, wealth status, and by state of residence.
In 2019, United Nations has carried out a Mondial study about contraceptive use by method. It was found that the male condom and the contraceptive pill are the most used methods in many countries. Japan is the country where the condom is the most used with a prevalence of 34.9%. Results also determined that 20% of women of reproductive age from countries worldwide used the pill.
Iheyinwa, C. S., & Oladosu, M. (2016). Socio-demographic factors, contraceptive use and fertility preference among married women in South-South Region of Nigeria.
Tarar, M. A., Akhtar, N., Akram, M. B., Afzal, S., Salik, M. H., Bano, S., & Akhtar, N. (2017). A Sociological study about the adoption of contraception methods and their effects on the married females ‘health in rural areas of Tehsil Dera Ghazi Khan-Pakistan. TransylvaniReview, 25, 5089-5098
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). Contraceptive Use by Method 2019: Data Booklet (ST/ESA/SER.A/435).
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