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Demographics 1Demographics 2Demographics 3

The sample of the current study was made up of 400 participants and it was stratified with the population by age, gender and district. The largest age group of the sample was made up of individuals who are 66 years and older (22%) whilst the smallest age group was made up of individuals between 18 and 25 years old (13%). Figure 1 illustrates the age distribution of the sample and the population.

With regard to gender, the sample is made up of 51% females and 49% males. This is illustrated in Figure 2. Six primary districts were established, and the individuals were also stratified accordingly. The largest group belonged to the Northern Harbour (27%) whilst the smallest group belonged to Gozo and Comino (8%). Figure 3 presents the sample percentages of each district, with their respective population percentage.

The majority of the participants were straight (96%), whilst 2.7% were bi-sexual and 1.3% were gay. Over half of the participants were married (53.8%), whilst the minority were widowed (3.9%). Figure 4 illustrates the participants’ civil status distribution.

The largest percentage of the participants had secondary-level education (38.4%), followed by a similar number of participants (36.9%) with tertiary-level education. 15.2% of the participants had post-secondary-level education, whilst 6.2% had primary-level of education. The smallest percentage of participants had a trade-school-level of education (3.2%).

With regard to the participants’ activity status, the majority of the sample was working (72.9%), whilst a very small percentage was a student or unemployed (1.3%). 13.0% of the individuals were retired, whereas 2.8% were fulfilling domestic tasks. The participants were asked about their income tax and the distribution of this is illustrated in infographic above.

Lastly, the individuals were also asked how satisfied they were with their sexual life. Almost half of the participants reported that they were very satisfied with their sexual life (44.0%), whilst 34.1% reported that they were satisfied with it. 14.3% were neutral about this, whereas 4.7% were not satisfied and 2.9% were not satisfied at all.

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