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Sex Clinic by Willingness
Dating & Relationships

Dating & Relationships

My partner and I barely find any time to have sex due to our busy schedules, what shall we do?

As a result of our busy and fast-pacing lives, it is pretty standard that couples find it difficult to find time for sex. After working long hours or after taking care of the children all day, couples might be too exhausted for sex. However, nurturing this critical part of one's relationship is essential. In order to do so, one needs to dismiss any misperceptions about sex. Good quality sex is more important than quantity. This is possible if one does not base his/her expectations on unrealistic expectations.

Additionally, planning time for sex with one's partner builds anticipation, which in turn builds arousal. Make sure that you and your partner find the adequate time to feel your sexiest and when less anticipated distractions might occur. Certain tactics such as teasing each other about something specific in mind or about a particular choice of clothing can help both partners to build anticipation.

Most importantly is communication. Unfortunately, we expect that the other partner knows exactly what we like and what we want. Partners should talk to each other about their sexual preferences. This will build intimacy and satisfaction. Research indicates that regular sex can result in both partners looking and feeling healthier since sex produces certain substances in the brain, which reduces stress and anxiety.

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