Teaching consent to Young children (8 – 12 years old)
For Teachers & Professionals
This section was written by specialist professionals with colleagues in mind. Our idea is for this section to act as a resource for anyone who understands the need to deal with an important part of the client's/ patient's/ student's identity - sexuality.
Addressing Young Women's Sexual Health in a Non-Judgmental Way
Pregnancy and Sexuality
Early Pregnancy Loss and Emotional Counselling with a Patient-Centred Perspective
PEARLS model to talk about Sexuality
9 Principles for Sensitive Talks about Sexuality
Emphatic Communication
Spina Bifida and Sexuality
Communication Strategies for Discussing PrEP
Epilepsy and Sexuality
Intercultural Communication
Improving Communication With Sexual and Gender Minority Patients
LGBTQIA+ Community and Health Care Services
The Characteristics of Sex Education Teachers
Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Emotional literacy
Plastic Surgery and Discussion on Sexuality
Sex Education for individuals with Intellectual disabilities
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Europe
Voluntary Abortion and Professionalism
Heteronormative Sexual Education and the Need for Sexual Education for Males who have Sex with Males
Pre-school Students' Masturbation Behaviors, Teachers’ Attitudes and Early Childhood Education
Teaching Children About Gender Diversity
Teaching consent to older adolescents (13-18 years)
6 Topics that are not usually covered in Sexual education
Feminism and Sexual education
Sex-positive or Sex-negative?
Taboo topics: Masturbation
A Frame for School-based Pornography education
Promoting healthy relationships in Young people
The PANTS lesson plan
The Problem of concepts such as Femininity and Masculinity in Sex education
Chronic Kidney Disease and Sexuality
Facilitators for Patient-centered Communication with Adolescents – part 2
The BETTER model for Sexual assessment in Cancer patients
Sexuality in Young People who have Psychiatric Problems – Part 1
Time management to address Sexual concerns
Alarm Model for the Assessment of Sexual Functioning in Cancer Patients
The Open Communication model of Brenner for patients with Parkinson’s disease
Improve the health care environments for patients with nonbinary/ nonconforming gender identities
Parkinson’s disease and Sexuality
Communication About Sexuality in Advanced Illness and Palliative Care Context
Autistic Spectrum Disorder - Part 2: Practical Tips for Communicaiton
Autism and Sexuality
Intellectual disability and Sexuality – part 2: Sex Education
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Sexuality
When the doctors talk about sexuality: what are the patient's reactions?
Sexuality in Menopause
Prostate cancer and Sexuality: couple’s intervention
Discussing Sexuality with Adolescents and Young adult Oncology patients part 1: specific barriers
Multiple Sclerosis and Sexuality
Sexuality in Adolescents and Young Adult oncology patients - part 2: how to improve sexually related health communication
Testicular cancer and Sexuality
Female cancer and Sexuality Part 1: Clinical inquiry regarding female sexual health
Fibromyalgia and Sexuality
Breast cancer, sexuality and communication
Stroke and Sexuality
Intellectual disability and Sexuality – Part 1: How stereotypes affect the person’s with intellectual disability relationships and sexual attitudes
Female cancer and Sexuality – Part 2: Intervention regarding female sexual health
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