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I feel lost after having a miscarriage. Could you please talk about how to deal with this?

Grief can be felt in multiple different ways, and the loss of a child is something that affects everyone differently. Miscarriages can be extremely emotionally impactful to the couple involved.

What are some of the emotional impacts of a miscarriage?

Some people experience a sudden wave of emotional impact called a bereavement period, where they are grieving the loss of their child. After a miscarriage, it is very common to feel the following symptoms:

Loss of appetite

Feeling tired

Difficulty sleeping

Sense of guilt, shock, sadness, and anger

Coping with the loss

Different people cope with grief and loss in different ways, but there are a few ways that you can try to move forward and face this emotion upfront.

Grieve your loss

Allow yourself to feel those emotions of loss and experience the process of grieving. Your feelings are completely valid and normal.

Share with others how you are feeling

A group of women who have gone through a similar experience, or a therapist about how you’re feeling and the emotions you are having. Communicating what you’re going through is an important step in accepting what happened and allowing yourself to move forward with the grieving process.

Speak to your partner

Your partner may grieve differently and thus a miscommunication may occur where you may not feel as though they are grieving like you are. Allow for an open and safe space of communication about how one another is feeling to prevent these miscommunications and fall outs.

à YouTube Video about miscarriages and coping with the loss

The emotional healing process is long, but you will get there. Allow yourself to experience your emotions and lean into the support system around you. If you feel as though you need more help, speak to a therapist or doctor about your situation and how you are feeling.

If you think that you can benefit from professional support on this issue you can reach out here.

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