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Sex Clinic by Willingness
Drugs & Sex

Drugs & Sex

How do different recreational drugs affect your sex drive?

Some drugs, such as cocaine, can initially seem to increase your sexual drive but can actually impair your sexual ability. Many people have trouble with vaginal dryness and keeping an erection. Long term use can also affect fertility. Similarly, alcohol might loosen your inhibitions and help you feel relaxed but it can also cause erectile dysfunction and cause delayed and difficult orgasms in female partners. Party drugs like MDMA might create a sense of euphoria that make you want to have sex but they can often lead to erectile dysfunction. Other drugs, such as weed or ketamine, are entirely dependent on what type of high you are experiencing. Weed can help you feel relaxed and has been shown to result in an increase in sexual desire but if you are the type of person who becomes anxious and paranoid while taking weed then it is likely that any sexual experience while high will not be enjoyable. Ketamine is also dependent on what type of high you are experiencing. So certain drugs may help you feel in the mood for sex but can hinder your ability, while for others it can either lead to an enjoyable experience or a very bad one. This is also assuming that the drugs you have access to are not contaminated with other substances that have very different affects.

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