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Sex Clinic by Willingness
Drugs & Sex

Drugs & Sex

Is consent given while under the influence of drugs or alcohol valid?

Drugs and alcohol can lower our inhibitions and may make us consent to something that your sober self would not have. This does not mean that all consent given under the influence is immediately invalid but it does mean that you should tread lightly. There are some signs that you or your partner are incapacitated and unable to give consent. If you are so inebriated that you cannot stand or walk properly, you cannot speak without slurring your words, you cannot stay awake, or you have vomited, then you are not fit to give consent for sexual activity. If your partner is exhibiting any of these symptoms, then it is a good idea to put a stop to any sexual activities. If you feel that they are not clear enough to have sex then it is better to not do so and to back off. Sexual assaults are much more likely to happen while one or both parties are drunk. Being aware of your limits can help protect yourself and others.

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