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Sex Clinic by Willingness


What are periods?

Periods are the part of the menstrual cycle when someone bleeds from their vagina for a few days. This typically occurs every 28 days but it can vary per person. Periods are made up of the inner uterine wall, the inside of the womb. Over the body's monthly cycle, different hormones cause the uterus wall to thicken in preparation for pregnancy. This happens even if you are not planning to get pregnant! When the egg that is released by an ovary doesn't get fertilized by a sperm cell, it sends signals to stop producing the hormones that build the uterus wall. This causes the uterus wall to shed this inner lining, which comes out of the vagina. This is a perfectly natural phenomena and is nothing to be ashamed of!

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More Menstruation Q&A


I am noticing some spotting throughout my cycle. What should I do?

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Is it normal to have brown vaginal discharge two weeks before your period?

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Why haven't I started my period yet?

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I am sure that I am not pregnant, however, my period hasn't started yet and I am 5 days late.

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When am I most fertile?

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At what age should girls talk about menstruation?

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